The global technology client wanted a collaborative, team-based headquarters to enable a shift to a workplace environment and culture that helps break down silos and is focused on attracting the next-generation workforce. Insight leadership challenged Gensler to improve their employees’ experience by aligning and balancing the workspace with how teams are currently working.

Insight’s goal for the new 241,000-square-footheadquarters was to provide multi-level collaboration settings that provided the right mix of focus and social spaces. To achieve this, the design team paid close attention to the available square footage to properly allocate the spaces that would facilitate a healthy work environment – subsequently promoting internal co-working areas.

Creating an internal co-working area provided a greater variety of work settings, creating a place for the broader community to engage with and encourage employees to explore new ways of working.

Leading an industry requires top talent. Therefore, the idea of creating a dynamic headquarters with the right amenities became an essential piece of this design. The workplace is fully equipped with EV charging, a café and coffee shop, a fitness center, and a health clinic. Powered in part by solar power, the headquarters truly is a place where Insight’s brand tenants, ‘heart’, ‘hunger’, and ‘harmony’, can proudly be displayed and experienced.