This walkthrough will take you through the main programs that are designed to stimulate your hidden and decaying senses, as well as a tour of the garage space and test drive preparation sequence. ( This original piece is designed for virtual reality viewing )
Send the user up high inside the space, isolating them from the ground level where all the driving occurs. The valet car then goes through a vertical lift by itself to retrieve the next group of drivers down the hill.
Upon entry into the main experience spaces, user first goes through a locker for preparation.
Heat up through the idling engines, prepare yourself and get comfortable with the haptic race suit that will take certain physical and mental data from the user prior to all experiences for evaluations.
User experiencing the preparation sequence, feeling the sound and heat of the engine wraps you in the space.
Familiarize and immserse yourself within the structure of the vehicle, be a part of the assembly and the installation, the closer understanding of the vehicle will allow the user to experience each following space with more interest. Each part of the vehicle triggers information with contact.
Walk down the space
Training of body positioning and reaction times with live data taken from the display’s laser surface analysis. The data is then fed into each pods as reaction points.
Pods are created to give just enough space for maneuvers within, opened horizontal view are designed to mimic the helmet over your head. The training
Space is strung with high tension cables that adjust to user activities within the space. The ground is cut with rubber infills, offsetting the balance when user steps on them
The frequency produced may also generate a cymatic wave in the reflective oil surface that is used to reflect the bottom suspension of the car for viewing
The space amplifies the vibration and frequency you may counter in a vehicle. Using frequency levitation, the frequency disturbs or even alters our ability to remain balanced.
The platform above the car offers a space to manipulate the surface that the car is sitting on, causing movement of the vehicle itself on the surface.
Double layered spherical simulation pods developed to use full 360 degree video domes in order to generate more free movement and higher G forces
The center display illustrates how the simulation pod works and shows how the pod relates to an actual Formula 1 vehicle within. This space is designed for not only racing simulations but also driving lessons.
Ceiling Condition resonates with the exterior facade, making a connection of where these car belong - in the winding canyon roads here. The checkered pattern excites the user for the upcoming event.
Drivers work with dedicated robots to restore and modify the cars. Magnetic fabric keeps the car’s surface covered and protected.
Driving up in the Mclaren that you chose and worked with to the last evaluation before launch.
The final stage before the race. Drivers must do a full sensory data collection at the booth while waiting for the previous round of drivers. The sensory data then transfers to the sync program at the viewing balcony.
View the race in full sensory mode, the data are collected from the drivers in each vehicle and transferred through tactile transducers and force feedback modules in the chairs.
There are also muscle electrodes placed in the poles next to the chair. The user will be instructed to place the muscle electrodes to certain part of their body. The muscle electrodes would then stimulates muscle groups in the viewers' bodies.
Races and drives will be accompanied by a wireless monitoring drone, which provide safety and data collection for the safety and improvement on the driver's performance. However you can eliminate the chaperone once you have achieved a certain driver status at 9807.
Driving return
Resting station on the right hand side has vertical format panels that realigns one's vision after driving's constant straining horizontal scanning of the environment.
The return lighting is designed off the idea of narrowing one's travel space, by pushing the ceiling space down gradually, the driver will experience a tightening of space and thus slow down.
The Disengage experience is a meditation space designed to calm the user down after a thrilling drive. The balls are suspended by wire and each sphere emits a counter frequency to it's surrounding, creating a silent space around the user.